Vision and Mission
Mission and Vision of the College Mission
- Enable the student to excel in their academic pursuits, making them sensitive to the needs of progressive industrial world.
- To produce technocrats with psychomotor and cognitive skills, committed to lifelong learning.
- To impart ethical values and leadership qualities in studentsâ this would transform them into superior human beings.
- Enhance the quality of physical infrastructure andhumanresources to evolve in to a centre ofexcellence inengineering education.
- Provide comprehensive learning experiences that are conducive for thestudents to acquire professionalcompetences, ethicalvalues, life-long learningabilities and understanding of the technology, environment and society.
- Strengthen industry institute interactions to enable the students work onrealistic problems and acquire the ability to face the ever changingrequirements of the industry.
- Continually enhance the quality of the relationship between students andfaculty which is a key to the development of anexciting and rewardinglearning college..
Contact us
Govt.Polytechnic,Near Kasturiba Gandhi Girls Residential high school,Nidivelagala ,Simhadripuram -516454,YSR Kadapa dt,Andhra Pradesh.