Commissioner`s Message
- Enable the student to excel in their academic pursuits, making them sensitive to the needs of progressive industrial world.
- To produce technocrats with psychomotor and cognitive skills, committed to lifelong learning.
- To impart ethical values and leadership qualities in studentsâ this would transform them into superior human beings.
- Enhance the quality of physical infrastructure andhumanresources to evolve in to a centre ofexcellence inengineering education.
- Provide comprehensive learning experiences that are conducive for thestudents to acquire professionalcompetences, ethicalvalues, life-long learningabilities and understanding of the technology, environment and society.
- Strengthen industry institute interactions to enable the students work onrealistic problems and acquire the ability to face the ever changingrequirements of the industry.
- Continually enhance the quality of the relationship between students andfaculty which is a key to the development of anexciting and rewardinglearning college..
To be centre of excellence in the field of technical education Govt.Polytechnic,Simhadripuram-184 is committed to impart quality education in disciplined environment with the help of competent and dedicated faculty members .We continuously strive to improve the teaching learning process to achieve academic excellence.
Department of Civil Engineering Vision To impart knowledge and excellence in civil engineering and technology with global perspectives to our students and to make them ethically strong engineers to build our nation. Mission To impart quality and real time education to contribute to the field of Civil Engineering. To impart soft skills, leadership qualities and professional ethics among the graduates to handle projects independently. To provide knowledge base and consultancy services to the community in all areas of civil engineering.
Mechanical Engineering department Vision: To achieve academic excellence in Diploma Mechanical Engineering by providing conducive environment for teaching, learning, and overall personality development of rural students to meet ever changing industrial challenges and social needs. Mission To enhance the interaction with industry To build students capacity and enhancing their skills, to make them globally competitive and employable mechanical engineers. To inculcate ethical & professional values among students To provide an opportunity to inculcate lifelong learning through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
INTAKE : 30 COURSE SYLLABUS: Three year diploma course with 2nd and 3rd years semester basis. Course content is covered as per SBTET Andhra Pradesh guidelines. Fifth semester students undergo industrial training for 6 months. Rules and regulations during course work are given in curriculum book which will be provided to students at the time of joining. Admissions: Polycet College code: SIPM Course:DMES.NO. | Academic year | filled seats | intake |
1 | 2010-2011 | 60 | 60 |
2 | 2011-2012 | 40 | 60 |
3 | 2012-2013 | 56 | 60 |
4 | 2013-2014 | 19 | 60 |
5 | 2014-2015 | 20 | 60 |
6 | 2015-2016 | 22 | 60 |
7 | 2016-2017 | 9 | 60 |
8 | 2017-2018 | 9 | 60 |
9 | 2018-2019 | 7 | 30 |
To become acompetitionindeliveryout globally competent electrical andElectronicsengineers, innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs and thereby contributeworthto the knowledge-based economy and society To offersensiblequality Technical education prescribed by SBTET latest C-16 programmes in Electrical andElectronics engineering To provideprogressiveresources that contributeto attainexcellence in teaching-learning,analysisand development activities To bridge the gap betweenbusinessandworldby framing curricula and syllabisupportedindustrial andsocial groupwants To provideappropriateforumsto boosttheartisticabilitiesof scholarsand collegemembers Toalterstudents to develop skillsto unraveladvancedtechnologicalissuesof current times andadditionallygivea framework for promotingcooperativeand multidisciplinary activities Toinfuseethicalandmoralvalues amongthe collegeand students.
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering in association with industry and its experts will be a concrete platform to build and develop technical knowledge and essential potential for application based product development in and for future, through a world class education to empower the society and nation at large.Mission
Electronics department will be the widely recognised centre for excellence for promoting value added engineering education. We will contribute by evolving innovative technology solutions to solve a wide range of complex scientific, technological & social problems, to make competent engineers with the sprint of professionalism and responsible citizenship, to prepare engineers to respond the current and future needs of the industry, higher studies as well as research.Vision & Mission Vision Department of Computer Engineering in association with industry and its experts will be a concrete platform to build and develop technical knowledge and essential potential for application based product development in and for future, through a world class education to empower the society and nation at large. Mission Computer Engineering department will be the widely recognised centre for excellence for promoting value added engineering education. We will contribute by evolving innovative technology solutions to solve a wide range of complex scientific, technological & social problems, to make competent engineers with the sprint of professionalism and responsible citizenship, to prepare engineers to respond the current and future needs of the industry, higher studies as well as research About Diploma in Computer Engineering course is all about the core concepts of computer science that includes the subjects such as networking, operation system, database, mobile computing etc. These are the basics for implementation and deployment levels where the computer engineering field requires candidates to be more productive and deployable, hence, it requires them to be good at communications. These graduates are also applicable to other higher degree programs. Candidates also have broad choice of job opportunities in the public and private sectors. This include jobs in computer sale, installation and support for other business or set up own IT business and work with clients. The main objective of this course is to make the candidate strong in the current technologies and encourage them to bring up more innovative and inventory ideas in the field of automation that would be helpful in solving real-time problems. The department strives to inculcate conceptual and technical skills in students through a scientific teaching methodology based on lectures , seminars , group discussions ,project works, assignments , quiz programs etc,. These are well supported by modern teaching aids such as LCD projectors and virtual class rooms. Students are encouraged to participate in Tech Fest conducted by SBTET.
To serve the service matters of all the teaching and non teaching staff along with salaries to contract and outsourcing staff.Mission
To administer all the employees and their benefits pertaining to their salary matters in the institute in free and transparent manner.Vision:
To impart scientific knowledge ,Humanitarian values and professional ethics ,life skills to the diploma students to compete global competitionMission:
Dissemination of general subjects supporting to engineering branches and make every diploma student as employed by providing employability skills along with good communication skills. Goals 1) To provide an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts introduced in the lectures. It is important that students have an opportunity to verify some of the ideas for themselves. 2) To familiarize students with experimental apparatus, the scientific method, and methods of data analysis so that they will have some idea of the inductive process by which the ideas were originated. To eachhow to make careful experimental observations and how to think about and draw conclusions from such data. 3) To introduce the methods used for estimating and dealing with experimental uncertainties, including simple ideas in probability theory and the distinctions between random and systematic âerrorsâ. This is essential in understanding what valid conclusions can be deduced from experimental data and that, property obtained, these conclusions are valid, notwithstanding the uncertainty of the data. 4) To learns how to write teaching report which communicates scientific information in a clear and concise manner. 5) To introduce new concepts and techniques which have a wide application in experimental science but have not been introduced in the standard course. These may require that the student consult additional text books. Experiments: There is a large number of different equipment one can expect to find in a Physics Lab. The type and number of equipment will be different for a school lab as compared to a college lab. Here is a brief list of equipment and their uses/applications. Electrical equipment:- For the study of electricity and circuit: resistor, rheostat, circuit board, millimeter, voltmeter etc. Measurement Equipment: such as weighing balance (measuring weights), rules (measuring lengths), Vernier Calipers (length measurement) etc. Electrical equipment: For study of electricity and circuits resistors rheostat circuit board multi meter volt meter etc. Magnetic equipments: Compass magnets etc. Optics: Study of light: Prism, compass, microscope, spectrometer, lenses s etc Gravity: Study of gravity: Pendulum (measurement of time, period and acceleration due to gravity), Density ball etc. Wave and sound: Study of sound and waves and their properties: Tuning fork, vibration generator etc.Facilities We Offer

Quality Education
Appropriate skills development, gender parity, provision of relevant school infrastructure.